VÜ SIGNATURE COLLECTION [ optical / sunwear ]

Inspired by Nature

We believe every pair of eyewear has its story — From the relationship with the artisan who created them, the care and attention through the warmth of their fingertips pass onto the life of the wearer,
who see the world through these spectacle as a window,
to create and contribute in society and the world by their own ways.

We designed and created this faux wood collection to elaborate this idea. Every single pair in this collection is unique with its own characteristics and lifelike wood texture, dashing in its own ways
just like peoples. They look and feel like genuine wood, but in fact are made with
recycled cellulose acetate with a handmade wooden texture and details.
This makes it stronger, lighter and more durable than real wood. 

Every model in Vu Signature Collection is named after restricted and endangered wood species (according to CITES* and IUCN**) to raise awareness of the strains our consumerism put on nature.

*Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species **International Union for Conservation of Nature